There are many different types of marine vessels, first of all a marine vessel is something that can be used to move arround on water without it sinking. this means that all marine vessels should be able to float. there are many types of marine vessels some of them that i learnt this term are like.
cargo ship. these are ship that are used to bring and take goods from one place to another. they mostly carry huge containers holding peoples diff
erent items which have been shipd or are being shiped to or from another country.
in my group for d.t we deccided to make a war ship. first we deccicded to make this because it would be eunique and also because we wanted to give ourselves a little challange. we were inspired to make a war ship because we all liked a movie that we used to watch and it was about pirates so it inspired us to make a war ship because the ship t
hat was in the movie was really attractive and big.
For this project we had to go through many stages before we could get to our final piece of work. we had different stages like the investigate stage where you find the problem and think of a solution. than we have the plan stage where you say what youre going to make for who youre going to make it and why have you choosen to make what you have deccided to make.
- comercial vessel
- fishing vessels
- passenger vessles and
- cargo ships
A comercial vessel can be anything. it could be a boat or even a ship. commercial vessels can be used in many ways it could be engaged in commercial trade or even
it could be used to carry passangers if they have hired it.

A fishing boat can be used when people want to go fishing they use this boat because it has safficient space and allows then to fish and that has space where they can put their fish.
passanger vessels. these also could be any kind of vesseles e.g it could be a ship and this vessel is used to carry passangers arround. like a ship is an example of a passanger vessel because it can carry passangers around maybe for a cruise.
cargo ship. these are ship that are used to bring and take goods from one place to another. they mostly carry huge containers holding peoples diff

in my group for d.t we deccided to make a war ship. first we deccicded to make this because it would be eunique and also because we wanted to give ourselves a little challange. we were inspired to make a war ship because we all liked a movie that we used to watch and it was about pirates so it inspired us to make a war ship because the ship t

For this project we had to go through many stages before we could get to our final piece of work. we had different stages like the investigate stage where you find the problem and think of a solution. than we have the plan stage where you say what youre going to make for who youre going to make it and why have you choosen to make what you have deccided to make.
than we have the design stage where you test different designs of what you are making and choose the best. and finally you do the create stage where you make your final product.
we deccided to assign everyone a certain stage and i was assigned to do the investigate stage where by i had to identify my problem and explain. my problem was the high increase in piracy so i deccided to investigate about the piracy going on and finally beccided to make a war ship. this would solve the problem because there would be extra ship patroling areas which would makw people feel more safe.
my strengths in this stage were that i had alot of pasion to make a war ship because i enjoy seeing big ships and love watching movies that have to do with piracy so this inspired me to do my work well the weaknesses that i faced were that ot was very difficult for us to get togather as a g
roup we would always end up fighting and argueing and we werent always serious.

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